First glance at sailings for Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines’ second new ship, Borealis, introducing a series of new itineraries from Liverpool

Sailings for Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines’ second new ship Borealis have gone on sale today, with the inaugural programme featuring a number of brand new itineraries setting sail from Liverpool in 2021. This follows the launch of Bolette – another new ship for the cruise line – which went on sale last week.

Borealis’ first cruise will be a six-night ‘Scottish Lochs & Isles’ sailing, departing from Liverpool on 23rd April 2021. This will be followed by a five-night ‘Irish Capitals & Scottish Scenery’ cruise, before the ship ventures further afield to the Mediterranean, Norway, Iceland and more.

The ship will sail almost exclusively from Liverpool across the 2021 and 2022 programme, and will be taking on existing itineraries for Black Watch, which was retired from the fleet in August, as well as five brand new itineraries.

Read the rest of the Fred Olsen press release on the Fred Olsen website here.

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